Importance of female fertility nutrients
Natural nutrients from food influence female fertility in two very important ways:
For the mother
Nutrients improve the overall health of the future mother, indirectly increasing female fertility.
For the baby
It is important to ensure an adequate supply of critical nutrients is present for the foetus. This will allow it to develop healthily as soon as it is conceived.
Featured female fertility & pregnancy nutrients
All female fertility & pregnancy nutrients

Dr. Kooner is Deputy Director of The Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago and has been a Specialist in Fertility Treatment since 1999.
As well as the areas that the clinic specialises in general, he is particularly interested in managing oocyte donation, female same-sex couples, single women having sperm donation and those considering egg freezing.
Dr. Kooner regularly speaks at fertility meetings. He has published in national journals and constantly contributes to the fertility research and publications from Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago.